
Kamis, 19 Desember 2019

5 Main Focus for Papua Development

5 Main Focus for Papua Development

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that there are five main focuses of the government in carrying out development in Papua. Mahfud revealed that the five main focuses were infrastructure, human resources (HR), education, health, and community services.
Mahfud explained, if the focus of development was based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 9 of 2017 concerning the Acceleration of Development and Welfare in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua. In addition to being based on the Presidential Instruction, Papua's development efforts have also been enacted since Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua.
"Ladies and gentlemen, since the enactment of Law 21/2001 on special autonomy from the Papua province, the government has committed to accelerate development in Papua. In particular, the 4 main priorities include education, health, empowerment of the people's economy and infrastructure development," said Mahfud.
Mahfud emphasized that Papuan people really need logistics. In addition, they also need development like communities outside Papua. "The Papuan people need logistics and development like people who live outside Papua, especially in Java," Mahfud said.
Mahfud said to create prosperity, building Papua must be done with a sincere heart. The development must be done holistically or holistically to realize social justice for all Indonesian people.
"Because on this occasion I invite all of you to build Papua with a sincere heart and to work holistically. Building holistically Papua is the country's promise to realize and enforce it because basically this is the manifestation of the five precepts of Pancasila," he said.
With various development efforts in Papua, Mahfud stressed that Papua is a legal part of Indonesia. So, he termed developing Papua is to build Indonesia. "Papua is a legitimate part of the Republic of Indonesia, so the assumption of this seminar is how we think that building Papua is building Indonesia," he concluded.

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